Tulip Bouquet Subscription
Wouldn't it be wonderful to celebrate spring's blooms with four beautiful bouquets? This subscription provides unique varieties, colors, and sizes to enjoy.
We've planted 16 tulip varieties to bloom throughout spring. We'll choose the freshest to provide a bouquet of tulips each week*. Bouquets are paper wrapped, contain at least 10 singles or 8 doubles, and pickup is available at the Otter Bend farm cart.
The start date is weather dependent and usually begins in late March or early April. We'll keep you updated as the tulips grow.
Subscription Details
*Mother Nature can be unpredictable, and we're looking for subscribers that can be flexible. Flowers move at their own speed no matter how much we watch and dote on them. There may be a week that tulips aren't ready, and we'll skip that week and continue the following week if that happens. You'll receive four bouquets throughout the subscription.